Rabu, 17 September 2008


Madakaripura waterfall located in Sapih village, Lombang district, and it is not far from Bromo area. Madakaripura is a sacred visiting area comprising lines of waterfalls where its center reaches a height of 200 meters from the bottom. This waterfall has related historic with a great Prime Ministry, Gajah Mada, who strongly struggled to unify the whole territory of the nation under span of control of Majapahit, and said as “the last residence for Gajah Mada”.

This spectacular waterfall lies hidden at the end of a deep valley in the foothills of the Tengger range. The water has cascades from the dense forest above. The primary attraction is its natural environment that is encircled by 7 waterfalls and caves. The facilities, which are available, include; parking lot, food stalls, resting place and security post. The fatigue and exhaustion one undergoes from climbing the peak of Bromo, would immediately gone after getting a bathe with the holy Tirta Sewana so to continue the travel to other visiting points in Probolinggo area.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Membuat Flashdisk aman dari autorun-nya si-VIRUS

Tentunya teman2 semuanya sudah mengetahui bhw virus2 dapat menularkan dirinya ke komputer2 lain dengan media flashdisk. -.-“. Kesal? Sudah pasti! Saya juga merasakan perasaan yang sama ketika komputer saya juga ikut2an kena virus… tapi saya punya cara yang ampuh agar virus yang ada di flashdisk tersebut tidak dapat menularkan dirinya ke komputer lain..

Baiklah saya akan mulai membahasnya sekarang, diawali dengan cara penularan virus lewat media flashdisk. Sebenarnya sangat simple, ketika flashdisk dicolokan kedalam port usb virus yang sedang berjalan tinggal men-copy dirinya sendiri ke dalam flashdisk, dan tidak lupa pula dengan membuat file “autorun.inf” yang letak file-nya kasat mata sehingga tidak dapat dilihat. nah… file inilah yang akan kita edit agar virusnya tidak dapat menjalankan dirinya di komputer kita.

Cara yang pertama dengan mengedit secara manual dengan menggunakan notepad atau wordpad. Diasumsikan flashdisk kita yang telah dicolokan kedalam komputer (yang telah terinfeksi) beralamat “F:\”, maka saya akan mencoba membuka file “F:\autorun.inf” lalu enter. Lalu notepad akan terbuka secara otomatis dengan beberapa mantra didalamnya, setelah itu kita tinggal mengedit mantra tersebut dengan memblock semua mantra tersebut(ctrl+a) lalu hapus(backspace atau del) lalu anda bisa membiarkannya kosong lalu tekan ctrl+s untuk men-savenya. Anda juga bisa menuliskan beberapa puisi indah tentang perdamaian didalamnya ^-^.
Tetapi bang blckflcn, bagaimana jika file tersebut memiliki attribute “read-only”? yang jelas kita tidak dapat mengeditnya secara manual!(aaaaarrrrrgh!!!!). Lalu? Apa yang dapat kita lakukan… bang blckflcn? Gigi dibalas dengan gigi, mata dibalas dengan mata, dan yah… anda benar! MANTRA juga DIBALAS DENGAN MANTRA!! Mantranya sangatlah mudah… saya akan membahasnya secara bertahap sekarang juga :

1)buka aplikasi notepad (tempat dimana kita akan menulis mantra)
2)tuliskan mantra “del /a:r f:\autorun.inf” (tnp tanda petik) lalu enter.
3)langkah selajutnya adalah tulis mantra lagi! Mantranya “echo ‘terserah tulisan apa’ >f:\autorun.inf&attrib +r f:\autorun.inf” (tnp tanda petik juga).
4)lalu save file mantra tersebut dengan nama file terserah anda dan path-nya terserah anda juga, tetapi extension-nya harus “.bat”(harus tidak boleh tidak)
5)lalu jalankan file mantra yang baru kita buat tersebut
6)buka explorer
7)pada bagian address tuliskan “F:\autorun.inf”, lalu tekan enter sambil mengucapkan “sim…salabim…”. Maka aplikasi notepad akan muncul lagi sambil menampilkan beberapa tulisan, tetapi yang ini jelas bukan mantra ^-^.

Setelah beberapa step tadi, virus tidak dapat menjalankan dirinya di komputer lain ketika kita mencolokan flashdisk kita kedalam port usb-nya. Tetapi bang blckflcn, virus2 dari komputer yang terinfeksi tersebut masih ada di dalam flashdisk saya. Bagaimana ini? Yah, itu sih bukan tugas saya lagi. Itu sih sudah menjadi tugas anti-virus… saya hanya memberitahukan cara agar virusnya tidak berjalan ketika flashdisk kita dicolokan kedalam port usb pada komputer yang lain… lagian mantra yang saya punya masih belum begitu ampuh untuk membuat virus tidak berjalan di komputer. Oleh karena itu, saya akan belajar tentang mantra2 tersebut di hogwarts agar lebih ampuh. Hehehe… ^-^.

Okeh… sekian saja info2 dan mantra2 yang saya jabarkan. (krn sdh tidak tahu lagi harus menjabarkan mantra yang mana ^-^)
thanx to jasakom.com

Senin, 15 September 2008


Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. -- Albert Einstein
If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. -- Albert Einstein
A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe"; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security. --Albert Einstein
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. -- Albert Einstein

Scientist says Buddhism showed there's life in space

By Walter Jayawardhana, March 12, 2008

Cardiff, UK -- The world's chief exponent of the theory that tells life began in deep space and reached earth riding on comets, said the philosophical backdrop for his theory was provided by Buddhism.

"In the 1970's it was generally believed that the Earth must be the centre of life in the whole universe, an antithesis of Buddhist cosmology of course," said the Cardiff University Mathematician and Astronomer Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe.

"It became amply clear to me that Buddhist cosmology was incredibly modern in its outlook, even perhaps post-modern. According to Buddhist texts, life is prevalent across the universe and life is not confined to Earth. Buddhism talks about a multitude of planetary systems and an infinity of "inhabited worlds". Buddhism holds that life is a truly cosmic phenomenon," the reputed astronomer added.

"It is remarkable that the scientific position concerning life that has emerged from my work over the past 3 decades turned out to be fully consonant with this point of view" he said.

Commenting on the discovery of planets around sun-like other stars Professor Wickramasinghe said there is nothing special at all about our own planetary system. At a guess he would say that about one in 100 stars like the sun would have a planet like the Earth which is hospitable to life.

With a 100 billion sun-like stars in the Galaxy, this gives total of a billion copies of Earth, all abundantly populated with life. If intelligence is a product of a convergent process of evolution everywhere, intelligent life will also be widespread. The Universe would then teem with intelligent life, he speculated.